In Memory of Master Guangqin—The Tiger-taming Monk.The Fruit Teacher

Movement One: The Search




「人命無常呼吸間,   Life is impermanent; it can end in the space of a breath;

眼觀紅日落西山。   Eyes observing the red sun dropping behind the western hill.

寶山歷盡空回首,   Jeweled mountain enduring as long as space—called to mind;

一失人身萬劫難。」   A human rebirth once lost, so hard to regain even in ten thousand aeons.




在幾片小小的葉子上   On top of a few small leaves

蠕動   wriggling

在幾根細細的樹枝上   On a few delicate branches

吐絲   spinning silk

吃一吃   Munching away

睡一睡   sleeping on

就乘風消失   riding the wind and disappearing

吃一吃   Munching away

睡一睡   sleeping on

就隨風而逝   following the wind and passing

還沒有爬過幾株   A few trunks

樹幹   are yet unclimbed

也沒有看過春華   And yet unseen are spring flowers

秋實   and autumn fruit

小蟲 你的生命是   Oh Little Bug    your life is

無知 naught but ignorance.



在無邊浪濤的苦海中   On the boundless sea of ignorance covered with waves

淹沒留滯   adrift and drowning

在無窮秘藏的寶山中   On the jeweled mountain of inexhaustible hidden treasures

徘徊迷失   meandering aimlessly

吃一吃   Munching away

睡一睡   sleeping on

就隨風而逝   following the wind and passing

吃一吃   Munching away

睡一睡   sleeping on

就乘風消失   riding the wind and disappearing

還不明白六道輪迴的   Yet unrecognized is birth and death

生死   in the six realms of transmigration

也不清楚三世因果的   And still unknown is the working of cause and effect

知識   in the three lives

人類 你的夢幻是   Oh humanity    your dreamy illusion is

愚癡 naught but folly.



人類 你的夢幻是   Oh humanity    your dreamy illusion is

愚癡 naught but folly.